Human value in the era of Artificial Intelligence 

Big Data

Discovering the power of creativity and discernment in a Data-Driven world

Welcome to the era of data! In the 21st century, Big Data has become crucial for the functioning of organizations, businesses, and society as a whole. It has become a resource as valuable as oil. But what happens if we don’t know how to use and read them? Data simply becomes a meaningless ocean of information. This is where our human curiosity and innate desire for knowledge and improvement come into play. Only through asking questions can we extract valuable insights from data and manage them effectively.

Today, with the rise of “generative AI,” it is important to remember that although ChatGPT can provide us with answers, we still need people to ask the right questions.

The Era of Data: How Are They Interpreted?

In 2014, Wired magazine published an article titled “Data is the New Oil of the Digital Economy,” comparing the importance of Big Data to one of the world’s most valuable resources. Why? Because data has become the primary tool for driving businesses. Data, on its own, is discrete units of information, but when combined and read (interpreted), they reveal a hidden world that we often do not perceive. As Wired states, “good data outperforms opinions.” This idea has guided the tech industry since the mid-20th century but has become even more relevant in recent years thanks to Big Data.

This development of data occurs within the context of informationalism, a technological paradigm marked by the revolution of information and communication technologies (ICT). We are experiencing an explosion of information and knowledge, where data is a fundamental part of any decision made by organizations. In 2022, a new technology captured public attention: generative AI. Although the term “artificial intelligence” has over 70 years of history, the public opening of DALL·E in September and, more specifically, the launch of ChatGPT in November introduced new information processing tools that are generating a revolutionary change in the industry.

AI + Human Judgment = Valuable Solutions for Humanity

The truth is that data alone cannot tell us anything. Only people can give meaning to numbers and information. Data requires the accurate and reliable interpretation of a human being to acquire real value. According to the MIT Technology Review, AIs (such as ChatGPT) still cannot perform truly effective data analysis and often “present false information as facts.” The tools we work with still lack the discernment capacity possessed by humans. For example, according to an article by Slite, the usefulness of certain AI tools depends on the context in which they are used: “When an AI model has access to too much knowledge, it can be difficult to find what we really need.” Ultimately, although AIs may have access to much more information than the human mind and process it more quickly, there is still no model that can replicate (let alone replace) human judgment.

That’s why at etermax, we value human curiosity. The human mind is unmatched when it comes to creativity. It can surpass limits and harness all available tools, such as Big Data and AI, to constantly improve our environment. For us, question-based games play an important role in fostering curiosity and challenging ourselves. Asking questions is more important than having all the answers.

The Value of Asking Questions

At etermax, we rely on data to make decisions. We deeply analyze data to continuously challenge what we do and how we do it, obtaining solid answers through experimentation. We don’t simply follow the path laid out by others; we lead the industry.

Every day, our Data team transforms 250 million units of data into processed and enriched information. In collaboration with other teams, we can infer user behavior and make proactive decisions rather than just reacting to environmental changes. We also uncover valuable insights that turn into concrete actions.

Furthermore, in all our divisions, we use technology to improve people’s lives, whether through games, advertising, or artificial intelligence. At etermax AI Labs, we specifically work with artificial intelligence, understanding that they are tools that allow us to automate repetitive processes and focus on activities that benefit from human creativity. We recognize that AI cannot replace people, as the human mind has much to offer in all aspects.

In our games, we also utilize these tools. To deal with the vast database that is the question factory of Trivia Crack, we turn to artificial intelligence. This way, we can select and curate the content we offer to our users.

However, it is crucial to have people overseeing these tools to harness their maximum potential. What human creativity can bring is invaluable, as we can co-create knowledge and monitor the automation tools that process content. We celebrate human creativity and foster it in all our divisions through various initiatives. We know that technologies cannot function without people using them and making the most of them. It is us, the people, who give them value.