The power of questions to spark curiosity while having fun with others

Celebrate the power of asking questions, ignite your curiosity and have some fun with others as Trivia Crack kicks-off its 10th anniversary festivities.

What is beyond the sea? What happens if we travel faster than light? What do you want to be when you grow up? Will you marry me? Many of our groundbreaking discoveries and life-changing decisions have started with asking a simple question. Within our 10th Anniversary of Trivia Crack on March 14 we are inviting you to take a moment and celebrate the International #AskAQuestionDay.

Human’s innate curiosity makes us question the world around us and is the engine to change reality. The result can be a huge paradigm shift that revolutionizes our understanding of the world, or a tiny personal discovery. It doesn’ t matter. From the Theory of Evolution to getting the perfect croquette, no achievement, big or small, would be possible without asking questions and experimenting until you find something new.

For this reason, March 14 is celebrated as the International Ask a Question Day, which commemorates the birth of the famous Albert Einstein.


We’re thrilled to kick-off Trivia Crack’s 10th Anniversary by highlighting what moves each of us: we’re humbly proud to say we’re a community of curious people. Over the past 10 years we have solidified our belief that keeping our wits sharp and curiosity active is the key to finding creative solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s problems. And we can do it by having fun and with others.

But, what has made Trivia Crack stay relevant and fresh for 10 years, played by thousands of people daily in more than 180 countries and in 34 languages? Our fans! 

Most of the tens of millions of questions and answers used across different platforms and technologies, from mobile to VR games, from board games to AR filters and digital experiences, are proposed by the user community, on local news and the topics that are most relevant to them in the Question Factory.

It has been a truly social and collaborative model to make curiosity explode in a context of healthy competition where we like to be challenged and win. And when we don’t win, we also enjoy learning something new.

“It’s fair to say that it all started with a question. In our case, what if we develop a videogame where curiosity meets technology, creating a perfect environment for the growth of an international community of curious people? And here we are, #10YearsOfTrivia. Ten years later we’ve built together a global trivia cohort that continuously reinforces its commitment to enjoy, connect and foster curiosity”

Maximo Cavazzani, founder and CEO of etermax

“On this March 14, we specially celebrate the international #AskAQuestionDay and we take the opportunity to thank, commemorate and recognize our community of millions of curious people around the globe. As we have solidified our belief that keeping our wits sharp and curiosity active is the key to finding creative solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s problems, we invite all of you to keep doing it by having fun and connecting with others”, Cavazzani adds. 

You can enjoy Trivia Crack and take part in its community by downloading the free-to-play app in App Store and Google Play and discover several multi platform options to boost curiosity on