The power of immediacy: Mini games that connect

eterland | etermax Brand Gamification

Discover eterland, the gamified web app that allows brands to connect with their audiences through entertainment

On average, people spend nearly 7 hours a day browsing the internet worldwide. However, the time to capture the attention of internet users is reduced to just 5 seconds. With the overwhelming amount of stimuli and advertisements received, the big challenge for brands is not only to capture attention but also to retain their audience and establish a deep connection.

In this context, etermax Brand Gamification™ offers an immediate connection through a gamified experience. Entertainment, speed, and rewards are the key variables of eterland because thanks to the characteristics of video games, such as progressions, challenges, and time limits, the user experiences an experience that surpasses any advertising message.

“When people play, they are relaxed, focused, and happy. This emotional state is an invaluable opportunity for brands: they have the possibility of reaching their audience with very positive experiences. eterland has the great advantage of offering a clear reward, based on the brand’s objectives, in a short period of time, allowing organizations to deliver brief and efficient messages.

Juan Pablo Veiga, VP of etermax Brand Gamification™

Designed by gaming experts to promote curiosity through video games, eterland’s web app easily adapts to any time of the day, whether it’s during waiting times, leisure moments, or simply browsing the web.

How does eterland work?

eterland is a web app with fully customizable arcade mini games for brands. Upon entering, the user enters their email and subsequently participates in one or more trivia, casual, and puzzle challenges. At the end of the game, they receive a reward.

For brands, this is an easily adoptable solution as traffic can be generated through a link, a QR code, or by integrating it into a mobile application that is easily decoded. At the same time, by participating, brands obtain leads, increase engagement, and offer an exceptional gamified experience.