The Future of Interactive Knowledge: Trivia Crack New Brand Positioning

Ready to embark on a journey into the next era of interactive knowledge? Discover the evolution of Trivia Crack platform as we unveil a refreshed brand identity, blending conceptual depth and modern aesthetics

Trivia Crack® is celebrating a remarkable 10-year journey as a trivia-based interactive knowledge platform. With its legacy spanning a decade, the platform has united people across 180 countries and 34 languages. As it sets its sights on the next exciting decade, Trivia Crack is thrilled to introduce its refreshed brand identity that combines depth and modern aesthetics, reaffirming its commitment to curiosity, connection, and collective knowledge.

A Decade of Interactive Knowledge

Trivia Crack’s new brand strategy makes it more contemporary, relevant, and deeply connected with its diverse audience. It continues to champion its core value: Interactive Knowledge. This essence defines Trivia Crack as the world’s most entertaining and innovative trivia-based platform, encouraging users to explore the world and connect with others through collective knowledge.

  • Embracing Curiosity: The central theme, “It’s Good to Ask Questions,” embodies the spirit of curiosity and recognizes questioning as a powerful tool for personal and societal growth.
  • Connecting Minds and Hearts: Trivia Crack’s unique differentiator —”It connects you to your world (and makes it better)”— highlights its role in enabling real connections, learning, and collaboration. Users actively engage, interact, share and shape content, creating a vibrant global community.
  • Smarter Together Philosophy: At the heart of this vision is the invitation to be Smarter Together, encapsulating the philosophy of collective creation of knowledge . It places individuals at the center of the Trivia Crack experience, embodying values of self-improvement, collaboration, innovation, and diversity, shaping Trivia Crack’s optimistic, sociable, fun, witty, curious, fresh, and expressive personality.
A Fresh Visual Identity

Alongside this new brand concept, Trivia Crack undergoes a visual transformation, recapturing its freshness and contemporaneity while technically enhancing the brand to make it flexible, universal and reproductible.

  • Isotype Transformation: Willy, the iconic wheel character, gets a significant makeover, adorned by a pristine white face enhancing his visual appeal. This change improves contrast, readability, memorability and consistency across various touchpoints and channels.
  • Fluid Logotype: The logotype embraces fluidity and approachability with lowercase letters and a lighter weight in the Mikado font family. A subtle arc is introduced, enhancing visual rhythm and flexibility. Willy’s features and the logotype unify in a deeper, denser black, improving contrast and readability.
  • People-Centric Visuals: Trivia Crack introduces a series of visuals portraying human connection and interaction, reflecting the brand’s people-centric approach. These visuals capture individuals engaging in trivia-related activities, either alone or in groups, emphasizing the sense of community at the core of Trivia Crack’s identity.

In this new chapter, Trivia Crack invites the world to join a journey of curiosity, connection, and shared knowledge. As users explore, inquire, and engage, Trivia Crack remains committed to being a beacon of learning, fostering meaningful connections, and empowering individuals to be Smarter Together. 
