5 questions answered with gamification

In the advance towards the digital era, industries with a long track record of companies such as banking or retail are facing unprecedented challenges to stay afloat in a sea of constant innovation. In this path towards digital transformation, gamification, which involves applying elements of video game design to non-recreational contexts or activities, emerges as an essential tool that redefines the rules of the game.

This strategy is showing great results in terms of digitization. Currently, 95% of people prefer gamified environments, with 72% being inspired to work better and 81% believing it can help them build a sense of belonging. 

To understand in what aspects it can be implemented in digital innovation, we review five common questions that have gamification as an answer.

  • How do I increase engagement and keep my team motivated? By adding playful components, it facilitates making tasks and work processes more interactive, fun, and rewarding. This can result in higher productivity, decreased absenteeism, and improved job satisfaction.

  • Which is the most effective way to boost learning and development for my team? The system of challenges, rewards, and competitions can make the learning process more engaging and effective, resulting in higher retention of knowledge and skills.

  • In what ways can I add agile strategies on the internal processes? Gamification can be used to optimize processes and procedures in the company by encouraging employee participation and collaboration in identifying and solving problems.

  • Which methods make it easier for me to retain and attract talent? Employees, especially younger generations familiar with technology and games, may be attracted to companies that use innovative and creative approaches to work.

  • How can I create deeper connections with my audience? By integrating game elements into customer interactions, such as loyalty programs, applications, or platforms, the customer experience becomes more entertaining and rewarding. Additionally, it can help gather valuable data on customer behavior and preferences, allowing companies to personalize their marketing strategies and further improve the customer experience.

From the expertise of etermax Brand Gamification in interaction and constant creation of gamified experiences, we celebrate that the adoption of gamification strategies and in-game advertising is a growing trend regardless of the sector or industry. Not only using video game titles as a means to convey brand messages, with playable ads or video rewards that accompany the experience within games like Trivia Crack or Angry Birds, but also seeing how it applies internally within the organization, generating a positive response from collaborators after experiencing a gamified experience.


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