Transforming Experiences and Building Connections with Eterfy

Discover how our customizable trivia solution becomes the key to building exciting experiences tailored to brands and organizations

Over more than six decades, video games have proven to be catalysts for cognitive benefits and community builders. Studies support improvements in reaction time and their impact on mental adaptability. Eighty-four percent of players believe in their ability to bring people together from diverse backgrounds. These findings have propelled the expansion of game design elements into non-traditional fields such as psychology, education, mass consumption, and even talent management.

In a digital world eager to establish emotional connections, etermax deeply understands how to maintain the interest and attention of audiences. With nearly 15 years of experience in game development, especially trivia, we’ve perfected the formula to maximize user interaction, collaborating with others to lead people through memorable experiences via gamification, whether in academic, corporate, or social contexts.

Building Emotional Bridges with Eterfy

Backed by this knowledge, at etermax, we understand how video games and gamification not only entertain but also enhance engagement, building deep and meaningful connections. In this context, in 2022, etermax Brand Gamification™ enthusiastically introduced eterfy, a customized trivia tournament designed to transform processes, events, and activities, whether corporate or social, into exciting experiences, thanks to game design tools and best practices.

Our trivia challenge combines game design elements in non-gaming contexts with our expertise in video game development. By translating gaming elements such as challenges, rewards, and time constraints into educational, recruitment, and loyalty programs, eterfy is not only effective internally but also becomes a strategic ally, building bridges between organizations and their external audiences. Activities become more attractive, generating even greater engagement among participants.

As part of the celebration of the 10 years of Trivia Crack®, at etermax, we decided to take the experience to a new level. We developed a trivia that traced the history of Trivia Crack, with personalized content including videos and photos to relive iconic moments. The live update of the player ranking, competing from all our offices, and a time limit to respond added excitement to the challenge, concluding with an award ceremony. This dynamic and entertaining, interactive tool significantly contributed to the satisfaction of the celebration with an 85% gratification.

Gamification, beyond transforming internal processes, strengthened the connection between globally dispersed teams during the 10 years of Trivia Crack. The trivia was not just a playful activity but also a nostalgic journey. Reliving highlighted moments unlocked correct answers and shared memories, renewing a sense of pride for achievements built together in the company.

Eterfy: A Versatile Tool for Engagement

The trivia tournament adapts to the needs of each brand or organization, offering a dynamic format of rounds and real-time scores. From internal events to external campaigns, content customization ensures a unique and relevant experience, aligned with general culture or tailored to the brand.

Beyond being a form of entertainment, video games are tools for building communities. Eterfy offers brands, organizations, and content creators the opportunity to connect and build active and interested communities around their products or services. The experience of the 10 years of Trivia Crack was not just a tribute to the past but also a look into the future of how gamification can continue strengthening ties within the company and beyond.

In a world where emotional connection is key, and distance may seem insurmountable, eterfy emerges as a unique solution to build bridges between organizations and their audiences. By adopting gamification through trivia, brands can transform internal events into exciting experiences, fostering engagement and connecting more deeply with their audiences. Eterfy celebrates play and redefines how brands can interact, challenge, and build a stronger connection with those seeking more than products: they seek memorable experiences.