“Ten Years of Shared Curiosity” by Maximo Cavazzani

Ten years ago, at etermax, we asked ourselves a question: How far can curiosity take us? I was 27 years old, leading a team of 40 people, having had prior success in mobile gaming, and operating from a small office in my father’s factory.

With that curiosity, we envisioned a space where people worldwide could test their knowledge, learn something new every day, and challenge each other through trivia. The result was a mobile game, Trivia Crack®, which over the last decade evolved into the world’s number one interactive co-creation platform based on trivia.

Over the years, Trivia Crack evolved in line with the changing entertainment industry. When smartwatches became popular, we adapted to this new platform. With the emergence of voice assistants, we created an audio-only version of the game. During the Twitch boom, we took interactive trivia into the streaming field, and we’re ready to add value to the metaverse when virtual reality headsets become mainstream, thanks to Trivia Crack VR.

In this way, over the years, we built a brand synonymous with trivia—a true classic that accompanies users in all the spaces where they spend their time.

Questions guide us, but we don’t answer them alone. We’ve built an enormous community of curious individuals who connect, share, enrich themselves, and express themselves through trivia. Trivia Crack is present in over 180 countries, in 34 languages, and aims to be accessible and valuable to everyone. Users’ knowledge, interests, and perspectives enrich the game with dynamic and ever-relevant content.

In that sense, our question base reflects what interests our community: what books they’re reading, what they’re watching, who their idols are, and much more. Additionally, every meme about Trivia Crack that we find on social media reminds us that something as seemingly simple as a game can transform a person’s daily routine. We know how much users value learning through Trivia Crack. We hear stories of friendships and romances born out of each game, and we can see the dedication of those who invent and moderate questions every day. That’s why I don’t exaggerate when I say that Trivia Crack is a way of approaching knowledge about the world.

While our users learned about History, Entertainment, Art, Sports, Geography, and Science, we learned about programming, data, design, security, UX, narrative, art, and much more. We also learned that Argentina could develop top-tier video games and sit down to converse on equal footing with any leading organization in the world.

All these achievements, which fill us with pride, speak of a simple proposal that resonated with a fundamental human trait: Trivia Crack wouldn’t be what it is if people didn’t love asking questions. Every time we have a question, share an interesting fact, or challenge a friend to see who knows more, we’re following the spark that underlies all the great achievements of our species, from the greatest to the smallest.

How far does curiosity take us? Everywhere.

Ten years is no ordinary anniversary. We decided to celebrate it by doing what we know best: creating great experiences. So, we reinvented the mobile app for Trivia Crack, focusing on a more agile and social experience, along with renewed content. We refreshed the brand with a new image that reflects our essence and our community. We also launched a product in the Trivia Crack family using a completely new technology for us: virtual reality.

We haven’t had time to get sentimental yet. However, I can say the following: the story of Trivia Crack for me is also the story of all the professional and personal growth I’ve experienced in this last decade. As satisfying as it is to review that journey, I’m even more excited and intrigued to think about the next 10 years of this collective adventure and the new horizons it will lead us to.

Maximo Cavazzani