Trivia & Brand Love: how to create communities

White paper Trivia & Brand Love

In the new Brand Gamification™ White Paper we focus on trivia, category of Gaming that awakens the competitive instinct, invites us to learn more and has the power to make connections.

From messages to experiences: a new type of advertising

By Juan Pablo Veiga, VP of etermax Brand Gamification™.

A paradigm shift is taking place in the glutted advertising market. The industry is focusing less and less on displaying ads and more on creating disruptive experiences that deliver messages and generate a strong impact on audiences.

This is how we work at etermax Brand Gamification™: we help brands design playful actions to create powerful connections with people.

In this new white paper we want to focus on trivia, a question and answer game that can transform the relationship between brands and organizations and their audiences. Whether in championships or personal challenges, users passionately participate in this game that challenges them all the time and invites them to be part of something bigger: an active learning opportunity that is very difficult to achieve in any other way. Trivia is a game that awakens our competitive instincts; we challenge others but, at the same time, we challenge ourselves. And what better way to build a community?
There is no human advancement, no matter how small or large it may be, that hasn’t arisen from a question. For this reason, in an industry as changing as ours, we are certain that only with more questions can we stay ahead.

In this text we want to make a proposal for brands: ask yourself questions and dare to question traditional strategies. The world of video games is an ecosystem that is constantly growing, and the experiences it provides are a fundamental tool for advertisers. Trivia, in particular, is the ideal way to get to know audiences better: we can see how much they know about brands, what their preferences are, or even what trends call their attention. All of this inevitably translates into greater engagement and more powerful insights.